วันจันทร์ที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

Auto start openfile as Service !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Running Openfire in Windows

If you used the Openfire installer, a shortcut for starting the a graphical launcher is provided in your Start Menu. Otherwise, run openfire.exe in the bin/ directory of your Openfire installation. A button on the on the launcher allows you to automatically open your web browser to the correct URL to finish setting up the server:
Openfire Launcher

Windows Service

If you're running Openfire on Windows, you will likely want to run Openfire as a standard Windows service after initial setup. If you used the Windows installer, a openfire-service.exe file will be in the bin directory of the installation. You can use this executable to install and control the Openfire service.
From a console window, you can run the following commands:
  • openfire-service /install -- installs the service.
  • openfire-service /uninstall -- uninstalls the service.
  • openfire-service /start -- starts the service
  • openfire-service /stop -- stops the service.
Windows Service
You can also use the Services tool in the Windows Control Panel to start and stop the service.
Note: the graphical launcher is not compatible with the Windows service at this time. If you install the service, you should use service controls as described above to control the server rather than the graphical launcher.

Custom Parameters

Advanced users may wish to pass in parameters to the Java virtual machine (VM) to customize the runtime environment of Openfire. You can do this by creating openfire.vmoptions files in the bin/ directory of your Openfire installation. For the Windows service, you'd create a new text file called openfire-service.vmoptions. Each parameter to the VM should be on a new line of the file. For example, to set the minimum heap size to 512 MB and max VM heap size to 1024 MB, you'd use:
To create parameters for the normal launcher, create a file called openfired.vmoptions (since the openfire.exe launcher invokes the openfired.exe executable to actually start the server).

Remote Desktop ได้ 2 เครื่อง 2008R2,2012

Windows Server2008 ตั้งค่า Remote Desktop ได้ 2 เครื่อง

สำหรับ Windows Server 2008 R2
ไปที่ Start > Administrative Tools > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration

 Edit Settings > Restrict each user to a single session จะเปิด Dialog Properties ขึ้นมา

Restrict each user to a single session ให้ติ๊กเช็คถูกออก

Window Server 2012

You can disable “Restrict each user to a single session” on Windows Server 2008 by using “Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration”. But that tool is not available on Windows Server 2012. So we should disable it from local policy to enable 2 sessions at the same time.
Open run and type “gpedit.msc” for Local Group Policy. Go to:
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Connections
Simply disable “Remote Desktop Services users to single remote desktop session” option.
After that you will be able to connect your server with 2 different session.

Credit. http://www.yusufozturk.info/windows-server/how-to-disable-restrict-each-user-to-a-single-session-on-windows-server-2012.html

วันพุธที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Restore / Backup mysql (Vtiger CRM)

คำสั่ง Backup / Restore MYSQL ( VtigerCRM )

วันนี้ทำ Server Test Vtiger Version5.1.0 เสร็จ ต่อไปก็เป็นการนำ file backup ที่สำรองไว้มาทดสอบดู

เนื่องจาก File ที่ Backup ไว้เป็น sql.gz  เลยต้องใช้คำสั่งประหลาดกว่าเดิม

#gunzip < (backupfile.sql.gz) | mysql -u root -p(MyPass) (database name)
#gunzip < backup.sql.gz | mysql -u root -proot vtigercrm510



อันนี้เป็น Command Script ที่ใช้ Backup นะครับ

#  automysqlbackup.sh
# MySQL Backup Script
# VER. 2.5 - http://sourceforge.net/projects/automysqlbackup/
# Copyright (c) 2002-2003 wipe_out@lycos.co.uk
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# Set the following variables to your system needs
# (Detailed instructions below variables)

# Username to access the MySQL server e.g. dbuser

# Username to access the MySQL server e.g. password

# Host name (or IP address) of MySQL server e.g localhost

# List of DBNAMES for Daily/Weekly Backup e.g. "DB1 DB2 DB3"

# Backup directory location e.g /backups
# Mail setup
# What would you like to be mailed to you?
# - log   : send only log file
# - files : send log file and sql files as attachments (see docs)
# - stdout : will simply output the log to the screen if run manually.
# - quiet : Only send logs if an error occurs to the MAILADDR.

# Set the maximum allowed email size in k. (4000 = approx 5MB email [see docs])

# Email Address to send mail to? (user@domain.com)

# ============================================================
# === ADVANCED OPTIONS ( Read the doc's below for details )===

# List of DBBNAMES for Monthly Backups.

# List of DBNAMES to EXLUCDE if DBNAMES are set to all (must be in " quotes)

# Include CREATE DATABASE in backup?

# Separate backup directory and file for each DB? (yes or no)

# Which day do you want weekly backups? (1 to 7 where 1 is Monday)

# Choose Compression type. (gzip or bzip2)

# Compress communications between backup server and MySQL server?

# Additionally keep a copy of the most recent backup in a seperate directory.

#  The maximum size of the buffer for client/server communication. e.g. 16MB (maximum is 1GB)

#  For connections to localhost. Sometimes the Unix socket file must be specified.

# Command to run before backups (uncomment to use)

# Command run after backups (uncomment to use)

# Options documantation
# Set USERNAME and PASSWORD of a user that has at least SELECT permission
# to ALL databases.
# Set the DBHOST option to the server you wish to backup, leave the
# default to backup "this server".(to backup multiple servers make
# copies of this file and set the options for that server)
# Put in the list of DBNAMES(Databases)to be backed up. If you would like
# to backup ALL DBs on the server set DBNAMES="all".(if set to "all" then
# any new DBs will automatically be backed up without needing to modify
# this backup script when a new DB is created).
# If the DB you want to backup has a space in the name replace the space
# with a % e.g. "data base" will become "data%base"
# NOTE: Spaces in DB names may not work correctly when SEPDIR=no.
# You can change the backup storage location from /backups to anything
# you like by using the BACKUPDIR setting..
# The MAILCONTENT and MAILADDR options and pretty self explanitory, use
# these to have the backup log mailed to you at any email address or multiple
# email addresses in a space seperated list.
# (If you set mail content to "log" you will require access to the "mail" program
# on your server. If you set this to "files" you will have to have mutt installed
# on your server. If you set it to "stdout" it will log to the screen if run from 
# the console or to the cron job owner if run through cron. If you set it to "quiet"
# logs will only be mailed if there are errors reported. )
# MAXATTSIZE sets the largest allowed email attachments total (all backup files) you
# want the script to send. This is the size before it is encoded to be sent as an email
# so if your mail server will allow a maximum mail size of 5MB I would suggest setting
# MAXATTSIZE to be 25% smaller than that so a setting of 4000 would probably be fine.
# Finally copy automysqlbackup.sh to anywhere on your server and make sure
# to set executable permission. You can also copy the script to
# /etc/cron.daily to have it execute automatically every night or simply
# place a symlink in /etc/cron.daily to the file if you wish to keep it 
# somwhere else.
# NOTE:On Debian copy the file with no extention for it to be run
# by cron e.g just name the file "automysqlbackup"
# Thats it..
# === Advanced options doc's ===
# The list of MDBNAMES is the DB's to be backed up only monthly. You should
# always include "mysql" in this list to backup your user/password
# information along with any other DBs that you only feel need to
# be backed up monthly. (if using a hosted server then you should
# probably remove "mysql" as your provider will be backing this up)
# NOTE: If DBNAMES="all" then MDBNAMES has no effect as all DBs will be backed
# up anyway.
# If you set DBNAMES="all" you can configure the option DBEXCLUDE. Other
# wise this option will not be used.
# This option can be used if you want to backup all dbs, but you want 
# exclude some of them. (eg. a db is to big).
# Set CREATE_DATABASE to "yes" (the default) if you want your SQL-Dump to create
# a database with the same name as the original database when restoring.
# Saying "no" here will allow your to specify the database name you want to
# restore your dump into, making a copy of the database by using the dump
# created with automysqlbackup.
# NOTE: Not used if SEPDIR=no
# The SEPDIR option allows you to choose to have all DBs backed up to
# a single file (fast restore of entire server in case of crash) or to
# seperate directories for each DB (each DB can be restored seperately
# in case of single DB corruption or loss).
# To set the day of the week that you would like the weekly backup to happen
# set the DOWEEKLY setting, this can be a value from 1 to 7 where 1 is Monday,
# The default is 6 which means that weekly backups are done on a Saturday.
# COMP is used to choose the copmression used, options are gzip or bzip2.
# bzip2 will produce slightly smaller files but is more processor intensive so
# may take longer to complete.
# COMMCOMP is used to enable or diable mysql client to server compression, so
# it is useful to save bandwidth when backing up a remote MySQL server over
# the network. 
# LATEST is to store an additional copy of the latest backup to a standard
# location so it can be downloaded bt thrid party scripts.
# If the DB's being backed up make use of large BLOB fields then you may need
# to increase the MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET setting, for example 16MB..
# When connecting to localhost as the DB server (DBHOST=localhost) sometimes
# the system can have issues locating the socket file.. This can now be set
# using the SOCKET parameter.. An example may be SOCKET=/private/tmp/mysql.sock
# Use PREBACKUP and POSTBACKUP to specify Per and Post backup commands
# or scripts to perform tasks either before or after the backup process.
# Backup Rotation..
# Daily Backups are rotated weekly..
# Weekly Backups are run by default on Saturday Morning when
# cron.daily scripts are run...Can be changed with DOWEEKLY setting..
# Weekly Backups are rotated on a 5 week cycle..
# Monthly Backups are run on the 1st of the month..
# Monthly Backups are NOT rotated automatically...
# It may be a good idea to copy Monthly backups offline or to another
# server..
# Please Note!!
# I take no resposibility for any data loss or corruption when using
# this script..
# This script will not help in the event of a hard drive crash. If a 
# copy of the backup has not be stored offline or on another PC..
# You should copy your backups offline regularly for best protection.
# Happy backing up...
# Restoring
# Firstly you will need to uncompress the backup file.
# eg.
# gunzip file.gz (or bunzip2 file.bz2)
# Next you will need to use the mysql client to restore the DB from the
# sql file.
# eg.
# mysql --user=username --pass=password --host=dbserver database < /path/file.sql
# or
# mysql --user=username --pass=password --host=dbserver -e "source /path/file.sql" database
# NOTE: Make sure you use "<" and not ">" in the above command because
# you are piping the file.sql to mysql and not the other way around.
# Lets hope you never have to use this.. :)
# Change Log
# VER 2.5 - (2006-01-15)
#  Added support for setting MAXIMUM_PACKET_SIZE and SOCKET parameters (suggested by Yvo van Doorn)
# VER 2.4 - (2006-01-23)
#    Fixed bug where weekly backups were not being rotated. (Fix by wolf02)
#    Added hour an min to backup filename for the case where backups are taken multiple
#    times in a day. NOTE This is not complete support for mutiple executions of the script
#    in a single day.
#    Added MAILCONTENT="quiet" option, see docs for details. (requested by snowsam)
#    Updated path statment for compatibility with OSX.
#    Added "LATEST" to additionally store the last backup to a standard location. (request by Grant29)
# VER 2.3 - (2005-11-07)
#    Better error handling and notification of errors (a long time coming)
#    Compression on Backup server to MySQL server communications. 
# VER 2.2 - (2004-12-05)
#    Changed from using depricated "-N" to "--skip-column-names".
#    Added ability to have compressed backup's emailed out. (code from Thomas Heiserowski)
#    Added maximum attachment size setting.
# VER 2.1 - (2004-11-04)
#    Fixed a bug in daily rotation when not using gzip compression. (Fix by Rob Rosenfeld)
# VER 2.0 - (2004-07-28)
#    Switched to using IO redirection instead of pipeing the output to the logfile.
#    Added choice of compression of backups being gzip of bzip2.
#    Switched to using functions to facilitate more functionality.
#    Added option of either gzip or bzip2 compression. 
# VER 1.10 - (2004-07-17)
#    Another fix for spaces in the paths (fix by Thomas von Eyben)
#    Fixed bug when using PREBACKUP and POSTBACKUP commands containing many arguments.
# VER 1.9 - (2004-05-25)
#    Small bug fix to handle spaces in LOGFILE path which contains spaces (reported by Thomas von Eyben)
#    Updated docs to mention that Log email can be sent to multiple email addresses.
# VER 1.8 - (2004-05-01)
#    Added option to make backups restorable to alternate database names
#    meaning that a copy of the database can be created (Based on patch by Rene Hoffmann)
#    Seperated options into standard and advanced.
#    Removed " from single file dump DBMANES because it caused an error but
#    this means that if DB's have spaces in the name they will not dump when SEPDIR=no.
#    Added -p option to mkdir commands to create multiple subdirs without error.
#    Added disk usage and location to the bottom of the backup report.
# VER 1.7 - (2004-04-22)
#    Fixed an issue where weelky backups would only work correctly if server
#    locale was set to English (issue reported by Tom Ingberg)
#    used "eval" for "rm" commands to try and resolve rotation issues.
#    Changed name of status log so multiple scripts can be run at the same time.
# VER 1.6 - (2004-03-14)
#   Added PREBACKUP and POSTBACKUP command functions. (patch by markpustjens)
#   Added support for backing up DB's with Spaces in the name.
#   (patch by markpustjens)
# VER 1.5 - (2004-02-24)
#   Added the ability to exclude DB's when the "all" option is used.
#   (Patch by kampftitan)
# VER 1.4 - (2004-02-02)
#   Project moved to Sourceforge.net
# VER 1.3 - (2003-09-25)
#   Added support for backing up "all" databases on the server without
#    having to list each one seperately in the configuration.
#   Added DB restore instructions.
# VER 1.2 - (2003-03-16)
#   Added server name to the backup log so logs from multiple servers
#   can be easily identified.
# VER 1.1 - (2003-03-13)
#   Small Bug fix in monthly report. (Thanks Stoyanski)
#   Added option to email log to any email address. (Inspired by Stoyanski)
#   Changed Standard file name to .sh extention.
#   Option are set using yes and no rather than 1 or 0.
# VER 1.0 - (2003-01-30)
#   Added the ability to have all databases backup to a single dump
#   file or seperate directory and file for each database.
#   Output is better for log keeping.
# VER 0.6 - (2003-01-22)
#   Bug fix for daily directory (Added in VER 0.5) rotation.
# VER 0.5 - (2003-01-20)
#   Added "daily" directory for daily backups for neatness (suggestion by Jason)
#   Added DBHOST option to allow backing up a remote server (Suggestion by Jason)
#   Added "--quote-names" option to mysqldump command.
#   Bug fix for handling the last and first of the year week rotation.
# VER 0.4 - (2002-11-06)
#   Added the abaility for the script to create its own directory structure.
# VER 0.3 - (2002-10-01)
#   Changed Naming of Weekly backups so they will show in order.
# VER 0.2 - (2002-09-27)
#   Corrected weekly rotation logic to handle weeks 0 - 10 
# VER 0.1 - (2002-09-21)
#   Initial Release
# Should not need to be modified from here down!!
DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm`    # Datestamp e.g 2002-09-21
DOW=`date +%A`       # Day of the week e.g. Monday
DNOW=`date +%u`      # Day number of the week 1 to 7 where 1 represents Monday
DOM=`date +%d`       # Date of the Month e.g. 27
M=`date +%B`       # Month e.g January
W=`date +%V`       # Week Number e.g 37
VER=2.5         # Version Number
LOGFILE=$BACKUPDIR/$DBHOST-`date +%N`.log  # Logfile Name
LOGERR=$BACKUPDIR/ERRORS_$DBHOST-`date +%N`.log  # Logfile Name
OPT="--quote-names --opt"   # OPT string for use with mysqldump ( see man mysqldump )

# Add --compress mysqldump option to $OPT
if [ "$COMMCOMP" = "yes" ];
  OPT="$OPT --compress"

# Add --compress mysqldump option to $OPT
  OPT="$OPT --max_allowed_packet=$MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET"

# Create required directories
if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR" ]  # Check Backup Directory exists.
 mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR"

if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR/daily" ]  # Check Daily Directory exists.
 mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR/daily"

if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR/weekly" ]  # Check Weekly Directory exists.
 mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR/weekly"

if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR/monthly" ] # Check Monthly Directory exists.
 mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR/monthly"

if [ "$LATEST" = "yes" ]
 if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR/latest" ] # Check Latest Directory exists.
  mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR/latest"
eval rm -fv "$BACKUPDIR/latest/*"

# IO redirection for logging.
touch $LOGFILE
exec 6>&1           # Link file descriptor #6 with stdout.
                    # Saves stdout.
exec > $LOGFILE     # stdout replaced with file $LOGFILE.
touch $LOGERR
exec 7>&2           # Link file descriptor #7 with stderr.
                    # Saves stderr.
exec 2> $LOGERR     # stderr replaced with file $LOGERR.

# Functions

# Database dump function
dbdump () {
mysqldump --user=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD --socket=/home/vtigercrm/vtigercrm-5.1.0/mysql/mysql.socket --host=$DBHOST $OPT $1 > $2
return 0

# Compression function plus latest copy
compression () {
if [ "$COMP" = "gzip" ]; then
 gzip -f "$1"
 echo Backup Information for "$1"
 gzip -l "$1.gz"
elif [ "$COMP" = "bzip2" ]; then
 echo Compression information for "$1.bz2"
 bzip2 -f -v $1 2>&1
 echo "No compression option set, check advanced settings"
if [ "$LATEST" = "yes" ]; then
 cp $1$SUFFIX "$BACKUPDIR/latest/"
return 0

# Run command before we begin
if [ "$PREBACKUP" ]
 echo ======================================================================
 echo "Prebackup command output."
 echo ======================================================================

if [ "$SEPDIR" = "yes" ]; then # Check if CREATE DATABSE should be included in Dump
 if [ "$CREATE_DATABASE" = "no" ]; then
  OPT="$OPT --no-create-db"
  OPT="$OPT --databases"
 OPT="$OPT --databases"

# Hostname for LOG information
if [ "$DBHOST" = "localhost" ]; then
 if [ "$SOCKET" ]; then
  OPT="$OPT --socket=$SOCKET"

# If backing up all DBs on the server
if [ "$DBNAMES" = "all" ]; then
        DBNAMES="`mysql --user=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD --host=$DBHOST --batch --skip-column-names -e "show databases"| sed 's/ /%/g'`"

 # If DBs are excluded
 for exclude in $DBEXCLUDE
  DBNAMES=`echo $DBNAMES | sed "s/\b$exclude\b//g"`

echo ======================================================================
echo AutoMySQLBackup VER $VER
echo http://sourceforge.net/projects/automysqlbackup/
echo Backup of Database Server - $HOST
echo ======================================================================

# Test is seperate DB backups are required
if [ "$SEPDIR" = "yes" ]; then
echo Backup Start Time `date`
echo ======================================================================
 # Monthly Full Backup of all Databases
 if [ $DOM = "01" ]; then
  for MDB in $MDBNAMES
    # Prepare $DB for using
          MDB="`echo $MDB | sed 's/%/ /g'`"

   if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$MDB" ]  # Check Monthly DB Directory exists.
    mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$MDB"
   echo Monthly Backup of $MDB...
    dbdump "$MDB" "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$MDB/${MDB}_$DATE.$M.$MDB.sql"
    compression "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$MDB/${MDB}_$DATE.$M.$MDB.sql"
   echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 for DB in $DBNAMES
 # Prepare $DB for using
 DB="`echo $DB | sed 's/%/ /g'`"
 # Create Seperate directory for each DB
 if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DB" ]  # Check Daily DB Directory exists.
  mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DB"
 if [ ! -e "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/$DB" ]  # Check Weekly DB Directory exists.
  mkdir -p "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/$DB"
 # Weekly Backup
 if [ $DNOW = $DOWEEKLY ]; then
  echo Weekly Backup of Database \( $DB \)
  echo Rotating 5 weeks Backups...
   if [ "$W" -le 05 ];then
    REMW=`expr 48 + $W`
   elif [ "$W" -lt 15 ];then
    REMW=0`expr $W - 5`
    REMW=`expr $W - 5`
  eval rm -fv "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/$DB_week.$REMW.*" 
   dbdump "$DB" "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/$DB/${DB}_week.$W.$DATE.sql"
   compression "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/$DB/${DB}_week.$W.$DATE.sql"
  echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Daily Backup
  echo Daily Backup of Database \( $DB \)
  echo Rotating last weeks Backup...
  eval rm -fv "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DB/*.$DOW.sql.*" 
   dbdump "$DB" "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DB/${DB}_$DATE.$DOW.sql"
   compression "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DB/${DB}_$DATE.$DOW.sql"
  echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Backup End `date`
echo ======================================================================

else # One backup file for all DBs
echo Backup Start `date`
echo ======================================================================
 # Monthly Full Backup of all Databases
 if [ $DOM = "01" ]; then
  echo Monthly full Backup of \( $MDBNAMES \)...
   dbdump "$MDBNAMES" "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$DATE.$M.all-databases.sql"
   compression "$BACKUPDIR/monthly/$DATE.$M.all-databases.sql"
  echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 # Weekly Backup
 if [ $DNOW = $DOWEEKLY ]; then
  echo Weekly Backup of Databases \( $DBNAMES \)
  echo Rotating 5 weeks Backups...
   if [ "$W" -le 05 ];then
    REMW=`expr 48 + $W`
   elif [ "$W" -lt 15 ];then
    REMW=0`expr $W - 5`
    REMW=`expr $W - 5`
  eval rm -fv "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/week.$REMW.*" 
   dbdump "$DBNAMES" "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/week.$W.$DATE.sql"
   compression "$BACKUPDIR/weekly/week.$W.$DATE.sql"
  echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Daily Backup
  echo Daily Backup of Databases \( $DBNAMES \)
  echo Rotating last weeks Backup...
  eval rm -fv "$BACKUPDIR/daily/*.$DOW.sql.*" 
   dbdump "$DBNAMES" "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DATE.$DOW.sql"
   compression "$BACKUPDIR/daily/$DATE.$DOW.sql"
  echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Backup End Time `date`
echo ======================================================================
echo Total disk space used for backup storage..
echo Size - Location
echo `du -hs "$BACKUPDIR"`
echo ======================================================================
echo If you find AutoMySQLBackup valuable please make a donation at
echo http://sourceforge.net/project/project_donations.php?group_id=101066
echo ======================================================================

# Run command when we're done
if [ "$POSTBACKUP" ]
 echo ======================================================================
 echo "Postbackup command output."
 echo ======================================================================

#Clean up IO redirection
exec 1>&6 6>&-      # Restore stdout and close file descriptor #6.
exec 1>&7 7>&-      # Restore stdout and close file descriptor #7.

if [ "$MAILCONTENT" = "files" ]
 if [ -s "$LOGERR" ]
  # Include error log if is larger than zero.
  ERRORNOTE="WARNING: Error Reported - "
 #Get backup size
 ATTSIZE=`du -c $BACKUPFILES | grep "[[:digit:][:space:]]total$" |sed s/\s*total//`
  BACKUPFILES=`echo "$BACKUPFILES" | sed -e "s# # -a #g"` #enable multiple attachments
  mutt -s "$ERRORNOTE MySQL Backup Log and SQL Files for $HOST - $DATE" $BACKUPFILES $MAILADDR < $LOGFILE  #send via mutt
  cat "$LOGFILE" | mail -s "WARNING! - MySQL Backup exceeds set maximum attachment size on $HOST - $DATE" $MAILADDR
elif [ "$MAILCONTENT" = "log" ]
 cat "$LOGFILE" | mail -s "MySQL Backup Log for $HOST - $DATE" $MAILADDR
 if [ -s "$LOGERR" ]
   cat "$LOGERR" | mail -s "ERRORS REPORTED: MySQL Backup error Log for $HOST - $DATE" $MAILADDR
elif [ "$MAILCONTENT" = "quiet" ]
 if [ -s "$LOGERR" ]
   cat "$LOGERR" | mail -s "ERRORS REPORTED: MySQL Backup error Log for $HOST - $DATE" $MAILADDR
   cat "$LOGFILE" | mail -s "MySQL Backup Log for $HOST - $DATE" $MAILADDR
 if [ -s "$LOGERR" ]
   cat "$LOGFILE"
   echo "###### WARNING ######"
   echo "Errors reported during AutoMySQLBackup execution.. Backup failed"
   echo "Error log below.."
   cat "$LOGERR"
  cat "$LOGFILE"

if [ -s "$LOGERR" ]

# Clean up Logfile
eval rm -f "$LOGFILE"
eval rm -f "$LOGERR"

exit $STATUS